Notizie MIRON
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Siamo ciò che beviamo
Il miracolo che è il corpo umano, il semplice fatto sorprendente che è composto per circa il 60% di acqua. Non sorprende che non si possa sopravvivere senza liquidi, con l'acqua come miglior opzione da bere. I liquidi nel tuo corpo sono responsabili della digestione, dell'assorbimento, della circolazione, della formazione della saliva, del trasporto dei nutrienti e del mantenimento della temperatura corporea. Quando sei a corto di liquidi, il tuo cervello attiva immediatamente il meccanismo della sete del tuo corpo. E dovresti ascoltarlo! Sapevi che gli esperti stimano che oltre il 70% delle persone in Europa è disidratato? In altre parole, il corpo perde più liquidi di quanti ne assorba.
Olio di canapa. Una storia magnifica, un futuro magnifico
L'olio di canapa, in una parola: incredibile. Scoperto migliaia di anni fa nell'antica Cina, era apprezzato come fonte ideale di cibo e nutrienti. Ricco di proteine, vitamine e acidi grassi e amminoacidi essenziali. Ma non è tutto ciò che lo rende incredibile, il miracolo sta nei numerosi altri usi sorprendenti. Ad esempio, la prima carta mai realizzata in Cina era fatta di canapa ed è ancora utilizzata oggi. Inoltre, nei tempi antichi, le navi di legno attraversavano vasti oceani spinte da grandi vele di canapa.
Jojoba. L'oro degli Inca
Noce di capra. Noce di cervo. Noce di arachide. Noce di china. Bacca di caffè. Nocciola selvatica. Arbusto grigio. Simmondsia chinensis. Questo arbusto desertico sempreverde ha molti nomi, ma probabilmente lo conosci come jojoba, che significa "l'oro degli Inca". Cresce nel sud-ovest degli Stati Uniti e nel nord del Messico. Tuttavia, non furono gli Inca a scoprirlo, ma la tribù indiana O'odham, che lo utilizzava come cibo e sotto forma di olio per alleviare varie afflizioni. Dalla guarigione delle ferite al mal di gola e alle malattie renali, e molto altro ancora.
Il potere di un'etichetta di prodotto
Pensa per un momento al numero di prodotti diversi esistenti nel mondo. Anche in una sola industria, come quella della salute naturale, ci sono letteralmente milioni di prodotti in competizione per attirare la tua attenzione. Secondo la Harvard Business School, oltre 30.000 nuovi prodotti vengono lanciati ogni anno e il 95% di essi fallisce. Oggi più che mai, un'etichettatura appropriata è cruciale per il successo o il fallimento.
Il benessere inizia con la tua pelle
Quello che applichi sulla tua pelle viene assorbito e penetra nel tuo corpo. Pertanto, qualsiasi prodotto per la cura della pelle che usi può avere un effetto positivo o negativo sulla tua salute e benessere. Ciò significa che devi sapere esattamente cosa c'è nei tuoi prodotti e come ciò ti influenza. Oggi, non è semplice come sembra. Molti prodotti hanno una lista interminabile di ingredienti in caratteri minuscoli illeggibili sulla confezione. Oppure in un opuscolo all'interno. Che fare?
Per la cura della pelle, il fico d'india non è affatto spinoso
In effetti, è un ingrediente meraviglioso e delicato per una pelle setosa e liscia, indipendentemente dal tipo di pelle. Questo è dovuto alle sue proprietà anti-invecchiamento. E non solo proprietà ammorbidenti, ma anche lenitive. I prodotti contenenti olio di fico d'india sono eccellenti per pelli inclini all'acne, secche, sensibili o infiammate.
Il segreto, la necessità e la bellezza della vitamina C
Tutti hanno sentito parlare della vitamina C, ma sorprendentemente, ci sono ancora molte cose che non sappiamo su questa vitamina essenziale. Soprattutto per quanto riguarda i suoi effetti sulla nostra pelle e sul nostro corpo. Sorprendentemente, ci sono poche ricerche scientifiche sull'argomento. Tuttavia, gli studi clinici hanno dimostrato che la vitamina C può migliorare il tono e la texture della pelle, idratare la pelle e ridurre i segni dell'invecchiamento. Sembra che integrare la vitamina C nella tua routine di cura della pelle non solo illuminerà il tuo incarnato, ma proteggerà anche la tua pelle dai danni del sole (raggi UV) e dall'inquinamento atmosferico.
100 anni di vetro
Indipendentemente da come lo guardi, la storia degli imballaggi in vetro è straordinaria e positiva. È durevole, riciclabile e riutilizzabile. E spesso incredibilmente bello. 100 anni fa, era il modo migliore per conservare e preservare cibi, erbe, bevande e medicinali. Oggi, è ancora così. Si può dire che il vetro è senza tempo.
Food for body, mind and soul in 2022
Water is everywhere. The oceans, the rivers, the clouds, the rain, even our own bodies are 60% water. In fact, 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Of that, 97.5% is salt water and 2.5% fresh water. All this water and yet one big question: where did it all come from?
Water is Life
Water is everywhere. The oceans, the rivers, the clouds, the rain, even our own bodies are 60% water. In fact, 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Of that, 97.5% is salt water and 2.5% fresh water. All this water and yet one big question: where did it all come from?
It’s Time to Rethink, Recycle and Reuse.
18 March is Global Recycling Day. A moment to stop and think. In fact, rethink how we go about our daily business. What we do with paper, plastic and the general waste that we all create. Can it be recycled? Can we reuse it? What can we do personally to preserve our amazing and beautiful planet?
Collagen. The Most Versatile Protein.
What is the most abundant protein in the human body? What will you find in your bones, muscles, skin and tendons? What is the very substance that connects, strengthens and holds our bodies together? What, in some cases is stronger than steel? The answer to all these questions is collagen. Apart from the human body, collagen is the most common protein found in the animal kingdom. It’s also in eggs, citrus fruits, berries, garlic, and red and yellow vegetables.
2022: The Year of Violet Glass?
2022 has been officially named as the UN International Year of Glass. To celebrate the essential role glass plays in a sustainable society, touching almost every aspect in our daily lives. Highlighting the latest thinking and recent scientific and technical breakthroughs. An excellent year to also celebrate MIRON’s violet glass and its amazing properties.
Global Immunity Trends for 2022+
It has now been two years since the pandemic started. One of the surprising side-effects is that it dramatically changed the way people think. More self-absorbed, but actually in a positive way. Did you know that at the height of the pandemic, sales of herbal supplements, vitamins and minerals boomed? And it’s still happening. Physical, as well as mental well-being, are very much top of mind. The interest in mental health is especially understandable because of the anxiety and stress caused by the pandemic.
This Winter, Some Super Fruits Are More Super Than Others
Winter is fast approaching. The evenings are getting colder and longer. This is the time of year we’re most prone to cold and flu bugs. The perfect moment to give yourself a healthy booster for your immune system. More and more people in the West are turning to the East for wisdom. Japan to be exact. The very super fruit, yuzu, has recently been announced as flavor of the year by Firmenich, one of the world’s largest companies in the fragrance and flavor business. This Swiss company is renowned for its industry-leading consumer insights and trend forecasting capabilities.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Who’s the most circular of them all? It’s time for beauty companies to take a good look in the mirror. Customers are basing their choices on circularity. They want to see sustainable sourcing, supply chain transparency and zero waste.
Clean beauty is the way forward. It’s estimated that the category will reach a value of €19 billion by 2024. New brands are making the switch from plastic to glass, from single use to refill, from multi-material to mono-material and from blurry to clean label.
Algae Oil. The Slimy Wonder
When you think of algae, you probably think of the green film often seen on ponds or lakes. They’re so much more than that. This magnificent marine organism is now being cultivated sustainably in laboratories, for its unique oil, which is packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Essential fats that your body can’t do without.
Never Heard of Biophotons? Your Body Absorbs Millions Every Day
Every second of every day, you are absorbing and emitting millions of something you’ve probably never even heard of. Biophotons. These light particles are generated by plants, animals and human beings. Our vitality is directly related to the quality and quantity of biophotons that are present in our body. A healthy body and mind emits far fewer biophotons, whereas someone who is sick or suffering from mental issues, will emit far more biophotons. This is not a theory, it is a scientific fact. Curious to find out more?
It Is Grape O’Clock!
When you look at the labels of massage oils, you will notice that its basic ingredient is a carrier oil that is typically vegetable-based. The advantage of using these oil carriers is that it helps deliver the active component to the body. One such carrier is grapeseed oil; this oil is extracted from the seeds of grapes.
CBD Skincare. Unreal Marketing Hype or Real Natural Benefits?
CBD is a booming business, sales of products containing CBD are expected to soar by 700% over the next few years. According to a recent report, the global CBD market is valued at €500 million, and will grow to €1.5 billion by 2025.
Want to Add Your Personal Touch?
Every year, new brands appear in an overcrowded and fiercely competitive landscape. To stand out from the crowd, you should choose distinctive packaging like MIRON, or take it a step further and go for bespoke packaging that is tailored to your product and conveys the value of your brand. Whether you choose custom packaging purely for its design or because you want to add a specific benefit, it is a strategic choice.
Time to Change the Way We Treat Our Skin: Skinimalism
One of the key beauty trends for this year is for consumers to go back to basics. Starting in 2020, beauty consumers were moving away from the so-called “cake-on makeup look” to a movement of slow beauty - letting natural skin texture shine. They are now looking for a minimalistic beauty routine that is sustainable, easy to apply, and of course, good for their skin. This trend is called Skinimalism and was forecasted a.o. by Pinterest’s 2021 Trend Prediction Report.
100% Natural Packaging
Glass is composed of naturally occurring ingredients as it consists of sand, soda, ash, and limestone. The fusion of these components results in one single material. The circular economy aims to extend the life cycle of materials and products with the ultimate goal to use it infinitely. Its life cycle starts again as it ends, and that is exactly what happens with glass.
Aloe Vera: 99.5% Water, 0.5% Miracle
Aloe vera is one of the most amazing and most commonly used plants on the planet. That incredible minuscule 0.5% contains more than 200 nutrients. Also, 19 of the 20 amino acids the human body requires. Including seven of the eight essential amino acids that cannot be produced by our body.
Circular Beauty
At MIRON Violetglass we embrace all initiatives around improving the use of natural products, reducing waste or transforming the way we use the world’s resources. For the beauty industry it’s inevitable to move towards more sustainable choices throughout the value chain. The concept of Green Chemistry is circular by design and might become the conceptual foundation for the future of pure beauty products, as it focuses on ways to improve the long-term impact on our environment. Learn how to take the next steps towards a more sustainable approach.
Meanwhile at the Office
Preserving the essence of natural products is at the core of our business. To make sure we practice what we preach, we have been translating this concept to our office-environment, with the goal of preserving and promoting energy within our workspace. In doing so, we stimulate vitality and new ways of working. Take a look at how we promote collaboration, creativity, and an open working atmosphere while boosting our physical and mental health through mindful exercises.
Buzz of the Bees
The voice of spring is the buzz of the bees. During the past years, unfortunately, the buzz has grown quiet even though bees are crucial for our biodiversity. We asked ourselves, how can we contribute, make a change for the better? We took matters into our own hands and are excited to announce this buzzing project of ours: This April we will share the outdoor space of our headquarters in Hoogeveen with our buzzy little friends: The Honeybees! Learn how you can contribute to making a difference for the bees.
Trends on Labels
As the saying goes ‘a good first impression can work wonders’, and for retail products this is undeniable. What better way to influence this positively with the right packaging and labelling? Think about how labelling can help you to communicate your message, your values and your beliefs. Your product is worth it – It deserves the labelling which will make your product stand out. Develop a label that speaks to you and avoid losing customers over a missed opportunity. Discover our 3 selected labelling trends your business could benefit from.
How to Measure the Vitality of a Product and the Effect of MIRON Glass?
As convinced of the positive effect of violet glass we might be, with the modern zeitgeist, we are looking for some more tangible proof as well. Visualization and measurement techniques make this possible so that we can better understand the impact of our glass and further help to preserve the essence of your natural products. We asked scientist ir. Frank Silvis explains different techniques that are used to indicate the vitality of products, using the simple example of ‘water’ as a subject for his research.
Neck Finishes Explained
Neck finishes are not as straightforward as they may seem at first sight. The specifications are made out of numbers and letters, which all have a meaning and need to be understood to be able to choose the right glass and closure. In our latest blog, we guide you through these specifications. You will be a neck finish expert in no time - we promise.
A 3-Step Guide to Choosing the Right Pipette Dropper
Pipette droppers are a great way to dosage your natural product, control its application, and prevent contamination. But you guessed it, not all of them are the same. The four main components, bulb, cap, and tube and tip can be tailored to your natural product's needs and customers' wishes. Let us help you make this decision. This 3-step guide makes finding the right pipette dropper easy.
What Are Biophotons Anyway?
Biophotons are a way to measure your natural product's quality and vitality. They are light particles The more biophotons are in your product, the more the natural ingredients have been exposed to sunlight. And even more so, were able to store the energetic power of the sun. Yes, that's right. It's already in the word. Biophoton is Greek and stands for life (bio) and light (photon). Your natural product is full of them, and we know the best way to preserve them.
Meet BeeNZ’s Manuka honey, Our Award-Winning Beenz’s Manuka Honey, Our Award-Winning Customer
Some say Manuka honey is the best out there. Congratulations to our customer BeeNZ’s Manuka honey (by Logick Print & Graphics Pride) for winning the Print Supreme Award 2020. They are praised for their specially designed box to carry a pot of New Zealand’s top quality Manuka honey, complete with a metal spoon and a passport hand-stitched booklet. And we are proud that they pack their high-quality honey in MIRON glass so we can contribute a little to their award-winning packaging.
Why Is Water Best Stored in MIRON Glass?
Dr. Masuru Emoto became world-famous with his sensational discovery and photography of water crystals. He discovered that water builds different types of crystals that can have different levels of coherence with highly disorganized and chaotic on one end of the spectrum and beautifully ordered and highly coherent on the other end. The water of Lourdes e.g. is apparently very well ordered and pristine.
Safely Back to Work in Style
Check out our Italian/Argentinian customer setting a new trend in eco-biocide cosmetics with this stylish eco-friendly scented hand & surface sanitizers.